Active Shooter Kit - MedMag Series
The MedMag series comes with compartmentalized kits for Bleeding, Airway/Respiratory or Triage. No matter what specific injury you are treating, the Med Mag will have all the tools you need to address that specific injury. Two tourniquets are stashed on the outside of the kit for quick access when facing a life-threatening hemorrhage. Two more tourniquets are also available for additional injuries. The compact MedMag kits can also be used as throw kits when encountering limited access to a patient. Once you have treated patients, move the non-ambulatory patients out to safety using the soft litter.
- Easy-to-access response pouch with a durable nylon construction
- Soft litter to quickly transport non-ambulatory patients out to safety
- MedMags that can double as throw kits in limited-access situations
- Available in three color options (Black, OD Green, and Coyote Tan)
Take your active shooter kit to the next level with our MedMag series Active Shooter Kit for ultimate compartmentalized care for various conditions. Our MedMags make it easy to find exactly what you are looking for so you can respond quickly when time is of the essence. Everything you need in one convenient pouch.
What’s included
- 1 Nylon bag
- 4 CAT or SOFT-TW tourniquets
- 2 tourniquet holders
- 1 soft litter
- 1 mini sharpie
- 1 Triage MedMag
- 1 of each Nite-Ize LED Glow Sticks: Red, Yellow, Green, Blue, White.
- 5 Triage Cards
- 1 Triage Flow Sheet
- 5 of each Triage band: Red, Yellow, Green, Black
- 2 Basic Airway + Respiratory MedMags
- 1 pair of large gloves
- 2 Nasopharyngeal airways (NPA)
- 2 ARS decompression Needles
- 1 Hyfin twin compact chest seals
- 4 Basic Bleeding MedMags
- 1 pair of large Gloves
- 1 five-inch trauma dressing
- 1 NAR compressed gauze
- 1 Foil blanket
- 1 roll of Frog tape (6” x 2"x 9" precut strips)
*ALS (Advance Bleeding Med Mag) variant with Quick Clot available instead of compressed gauze. Built to order, may have a delay in shipping.